Fulltone GT-500 F.E.T Distortion + Booster/OD - Used


Regular price $89.99

Used Fulltone GT-500 in Very Good Condition 


Serial Number: 07963

From Fulltone's webite:
"Discrete F.E.T Hi-Gain Distortion and Overdrive Booster in ONE BOX. Think of them either as two separate pedals or as stages to be linked together for endless combinations. The Hi-Gain side has Volume and Distortion knobs with Bass, Mid, and Highs minipots. The Booster side has Volume and Overdrive knobs with Bass and Highs minipots. (These new Hi-Q sealed minipots don't break BTW.)

Hard clipped distortion (the way most pedals achieve distortion) at one point in a circuit can be cool, but stage after stage of FET (GT-500) is very real, very amp-like, has ridiculous amounts of sustain even at low volume, does the great chunky low string rhythm stuff and cleans up incredibly well when you turn down the guitar's volume. The GT500 contains 9 x FETs, 2 Mosfets and 1 x Transistor with no opamps or clipping diodes used.

What's special about the EQ?

The Hi-Gain side has a discrete Inductor-Driven Midrange circuit... never been done in a pedal before. Yes, there's a wah wah inductor inside the pedal that gives the Midrange control its ability to drastically increase or decrease the entire Low Mid, Mid, and Hi-Mid frequencies, to comical proportions. All this is done without any opamps because all of the active 3-Band EQs I've tried are horrible, killing all harmonics, all excitement, and sounding as sterile as the "EQ" in a Digital Recording Program. Nope, this has 100% discrete matched FET's ;)

This Mid control mixed with a strong Bass and Treble control help give the GT-500 the ability to dial in more variations than a simple tone control, which can only roll off the Highs.

What's the "Series switch" in the middle do?

The Series Select Switch allows you to choose which pedal comes first (allowing you to instantly change the order of the 2 circuits).

Booster --> Distortion ~OR~ Distortion --> Booster

Why? A Clean Boost slamming into the front end a Distortion sounds way different than a Distortion followed by the clean Boost... and when the EQ's of the respective sides come into play, it's a wide open canvas. Regardless of which side of the pedal is designated as "first in line" you can still use each side by itself if you want... completely independent of the other side."

Maximum Current Draw= 14 milliamps (all knobs cranked)
Weight= 1 pound 8 ounces
Size= 5 ¾” (left to right) x 3 7/8” deep x 2 ½” height (top of Knobs)

Distortion side
Input impedance = 150K
Output impedance = 15K

Booster/OD side
Input impedance = 500k
Output impedance = 600 ohms

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